Property Search


Advanced Search
  1. My property information is wrong. How do I get it changed?

    This site only displays the information provided by the appraisal district. You will need to contact the appraisal district and inform them of the wrong information. Each appraisal district has their own procedure for reporting changes.
  2. How current is the information on your site?

    The information is provided in real time.
  3. I don't want my information available on the web. How do I get it deleted?

    The data that is being presented on this website is public record and available under laws governing the public's right to access public information. We cannot selectively remove or withhold this information.
  4. Why do I get an error message that says 'Request Timed Out'?

    This error generally occurs when the search criteria is too broad to complete the search before the set time limit. Narrow the search down by providing additional search criteria.
  5. Why are my taxes so high?

    Property taxes are determined by three factors: (1) the appraised value of the property (2) tax rate adopted by the governing bodies of each taxing unit (3) exemptions, if any.
  6. When are taxes due?

    Taxes are due when the statements are sent out. However, you have until January 31 following the October mail out. Late charges begin on February 1st in most cases.
  7. Will I get a duplicate statement if the original is sent to my mortgage company?

  8. What if I did not receive a statement?

    The property owner must contact the Tax Office if they did not receive a statement. The law puts the burden on the property owner to make sure they receive their statement.
  9. What exemptions am I eligible to receive and am I signed up to get these exemptions?

  10. Who can I contact about Tax Sales and Trust Property Sales?

    Delinquent property tax collections for Jasper County are handled by the law firm Linebarger Goggan Blair and Sampson, LLP. For information about sales and Trust property sales, please visit their website at or call the Jasper office at 409-383-6020.


Jasper County has an agreement with Tyler Payments to provide its customers with automated credit card and electronic check payment services. Tyler Payments will charge you a convenience fee for this service, which you will be notified of before you complete your payment. Jasper County does not receive any portion of this convenience fee. Please note that the Jasper County will post your payment following notification from Tyler Payments. This may take up to one business day. The amount below does not include property fees. Please access the Account Statement to see all property fees and taxes due. If you wish to continue, enter your desired payment amount in the box provided. Then click on the button below and a new window will appear that will direct you to Tyler Payments website.